This seems to be a bug (cursor-theme enforcement).

Sergio sergiocmailbox-xfce at
Sun Jul 1 12:40:20 CEST 2012

Hello, list.
Lately I was using LXDM (0.4.1) and it sets the cursor theme for itself. Then before starting Xfce it released the theme and xfsettingsd set it (so the cursor would for a small amount of time go back to the system default).
This way, the Xfce cursor-theme changer would work fine and also other Xfce inputs, like startup notify.

Now I'm using lightdm (1.2.2 and gtk-greeter 1.1.6). It uses the system "default" icon theme to set the cursor theme.
The problem is that then Xfce doesn't use the cursor theme set with xfsettingsd (neither apps/components nor inputs, like startup notify). Only some apps correctly use that, e.g. Firefox and Thunderbird.
I have tested this with GDM too (live-CD), which sets its cursor theme with gsettings, and Xfce also fails to enforce the cursor theme/inputs.

This looks like a bug of sorts (of the sort of those that haven't much to do ;-) ) so to what component should I report? xfce4-session?


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