very weird xfce behavior... please help

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at
Thu Feb 23 19:00:14 CET 2012

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Joao Ferreira Gmail
<joao.miguel.c.ferreira at> wrote:
> 1) the windows have no frame, no minimize, maximize and close buttons;
> so I can not close them, minimize them, nor move them; each new window I
> open I'm unable to close it; i becomes unusable
This happens sometimes with Xfce, when the WM hasn't been started. I
usually deal with it by opening a terminal (or hitting alt+f2 or
alt+f3 or similar) and running xfwm4.


> 2) I had 9 virtual desktops configured and now I have only one; if I try
> to increase it does not work.
> I'm very fond of xfce and I would like to continue using it.
> I use Debian wheezy, fully updated. xfce version is:
> ii  xfce4
> ii  xfdesktop4 4.8.3-2
> Can anyone please help ?
> Thank you
> Joao
> I use Debian GNU/Linux testing (wheezy);
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