Maximizing windows not respecting panel boundaries

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Thu Feb 16 09:04:36 CET 2012

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Conrad J. Sabatier <conrads at> wrote:
> Since upgrading all of my Xfce packages to their latest versions, I've
> started having a problem with maximizing windows extending into the
> regions occupied by the panels, with the overlapping part of the window
> disappearing beneath the panels.
> I've looked at every possible setting I could find in the Xfce settings
> manager, but to no avail.  Does anyone have any advice?

If you use floating panels, these do not set struts so they don't
"claim" their space on the screen.

In some multi-monitor layouts, placing a panel to the edge af an
adjacent monitor will also cause this because the panel  cannot set
its struts in this case (as struts are relative to the entire screen
-not monitors- trying to set struts would invalidate the adjacent
monitor entirely which is definitely not what we want), so that
particular case cannot be fixed (there are several bugs opened for
that, these needto be closed as "can't fix").

But since in your case it was working in previous versions, I would be
tempted to think you're using floating panels, you just need to change
the type of panel in the panel config.


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