ANNOUNCE: Xfce 4.10pre1 released

Christoph Mende angelos at
Sun Apr 8 11:30:11 CEST 2012

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 10:40 AM, gymka <gymka at> wrote:
> 2012.04.01 15:15, Nick Schermer rašė:
>> Xfce 4.10pre1 is now available for download.
>> It includes the following releases of Xfce core components:
>>   exo 0.7.2
>>   garcon 0.1.11
>>   gtk-xfce-engine 2.99.2
>>   libxfce4ui 4.9.1
>>   libxfce4util 4.9.0
>>   thunar 1.3.1
>>   thunar-volman 0.7.0
>>   tumbler 0.1.24
>>   xfce4-appfinder 4.9.4
>>   xfce4-dev-tools 4.9.1
>>   xfce4-panel 4.9.1
>>   xfce4-power-manager 1.0.11
>>   xfce4-session 4.9.0
>>   xfce4-settings 4.9.4
>>   xfconf 4.9.0
>>   xfdesktop 4.9.2
>>   xfwm4 4.9.0
> and there is terminal? imho terminal is part of xfce-core, because you
> can't fully use desktop environment without terminal...

It's not, you can use any terminal emulator. If you want to use
Terminal, install it last to be on the safe side - nothing depends on
it and if you install it last, all dependencies are met.

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