Window resizer is too hard to grab.

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Sat Apr 7 20:29:45 CEST 2012

On 07/04/12 10:39 AM, killermoehre wrote:

Killer, Gilbert,

Thanks for fast responses.  Both your ideas are good.  To tell the truth 
I had forgotten  that that handle at lower right even existed, it's easy 
to overlook.  As to changing the width of the border, I wish there was 
some easy way of editing that stuff within a theme rather than having to 
go hunting for another theme that might solve that problem but create 
others.  I'd trade 100 pre-made themes for the ability to edit one 
theme. But for now, you guys have given me workable solutions so I'll 
just ignore  the 'grab the border' method.

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