editing menus.

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Mon Apr 2 20:55:21 CEST 2012

On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Ray Andrews <rayandrews at eastlink.ca> wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> I'd trying to figure out how to edit my menus. I found lots of info on the
> web, but all of it seems inapplicable. Eg.on 'wiki.xfce.org/faq' in the
> "How to edit the auto generated menu ..." section there is reference to
> 'menu.xml' which doesn't exist anywhere on my system. Elsewhere I read
> about 'xfce4-menueditor' which also does not exist here.
> There's talk about an 'Edit menu' button in 'menu > settings > desktop'.
> Can't find any such thing.
> I managed to find 'xfce-applications.menu'  which has stuff like:
> <Menu>
> <Name>Development</Name>
> <Directory>xfce-development.**directory</Directory>
> <Include>
> <Category>Development</**Category>
> </Include>
> </Menu>
> And I recognize the main categories, but where is
> 'xfce-development.directory' ??
> I'll edit by hand if I can figure out how the submenus work.
> What's wrong? Am I perhaps missing some addon?  Am  I looking at obsolete
> documentation? If so, is there something up to date?
> BTW, I find it bothersome that some things connected with Xfce are named
> thus:
> 'xfce-development.directory'
> and others thus:
> 'xfce4-about.desktop'
> ... sometimes the '4' is part of the name, othertimes not. Is there a
> pattern to this? If there is not, I sure wish the devs would settle on one
> form or the other. If there is a pattern I'd be grateful if someone would
> explain it to me.
> Thanks,
Hi Ray,

You could try installing the Alacarte menu editor and use that to edit your



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