Raise or lower a window shortcut

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 13:38:48 CEST 2011

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Michal Szymanski <msz at astrouw.edu.pl> wrote:
> There was a few (namely, three) short threads about this topic back in
> 2005. The topic is:
> Can we have (back) a single keyboard shortcut, configurable as othe
> shortcuts are, to perform a function which was called in old WMs
> "RaiseLower", i.e. raise window if it is obscured at any part by other
> window(s), otherwise lower it
> So the question is: does the actual version (4.8 I believe) have it back?

It's not in 4.8 but I just added that in git master.

Reason I never took thtim to add that is because I do not find
raise/lower very convenient with the focus transition model as it is
in xfwm4, not even in focus-follow-mouse mode (and even less in
click-to-focus mode)...


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