Workaround for using terminal profiles

houghi houghi at
Wed Oct 19 20:30:33 CEST 2011

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 05:44:54PM +1100, Andrew Spiers wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out a way to use different font colors for different
> terminal windows. The reason for this is to have a visual reminder of which mach
> ine I am connected to.

I do two things. The first is to the propt is different. A good read is You can even let it depend on
connection type:

This should be done on each machine. The advantage is that even if you use
a differerent terminal (e.g. when you are on TTY 1 or from a completely
different machine) you do still have that difference.

I have a script that opens three terminals on my 1920x1200 screen, so you
might need change the parameters. (I also turn the borders off and use
devilspie so they are always at the bottom¹) 

#Launch the different terminals
terminal --geometry=128x74-9+6 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below &
terminal --geometry=98x41+60+6 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below &
XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config/Terminal/Terminal terminal --disable-server \
         --geometry=98x32+60-6 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below -e 'su -' &

Next I changed the colors for first the 'standard' and next the 'root'

¹The Terminal.below is so devilspie knows it must put those below all
other programs. A new terminal will not have that title, so will not be
affected. Pitty I must use Devilspie for this. It would be great if it
would be possible to to it like Windowmaker does.

>	Knock-knock.
>	Who's there?
>	Under the Patriot Act, we don't have to tell you that.

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