Rodent and this list

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at
Tue Oct 4 09:00:18 CEST 2011

On Mon, 03 Oct 2011 18:23:46 -0500
Edscott Wilson Garcia <edscott at> wrote:

> I would like to take this opportunity to remind those who only wish to
> get Xfce announcements to subscribe to the xfce-announce list. This
> list is for "general discusion". A bit of netiquette is always in
> order, like keeping to the subject thread.

We also use this list for announcements, as you may have noticed.
xfce-announce is broken for whatever reason (and yes, we should figure
out why).
> > I agree. Xffm and Xfce went in separate ways, better to have a
> > dedicated list for the discussions and release announcements.
> To which I responded (of list, of course):
> Sorry Nick, you're mistaken. Xffm and Xfce *packagers* went different
> ways, which is very different from *users*. Xffm was built from this
> list and about half Rodent users are here. So announcements remain a
> topic. Besides, there's a Rodent forum at sourceforge for non-xfce
> related users and development discussion.

Sorry to object here, but Nick is 100% right. Thunar was deliberately
chosen and established to replace xffm as the Xfce file manager. It has
been like this for several years. Xffm has moved to other infrastructure
since and is no longer part of Xfce. That's not a question of packaging
as you say. It's a fact and a decision we made as a group (of Xfce
developers, not packagers).
> Now I add:
> Xfce went from being a one-man show to a collaborative effort because
> of this list. Can anybody not explain the chronic shortage of
> developer contribution to the Xfce project when you get this kind of
> public humiliation on the list.

Please don't make this personal. This is not about humiliating you.
It's just plain and simple: Xffm is no longer associated with Xfce and
therefore, related release announcements and discussion do not belong
to this mailing list. Please create a separate list and post a link to
that list here. That should really suffice.
  - Jannis

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