xfce4-soundmenu-plugin V0.2.0

Matias De lellis mati86_dl at yahoo.com.ar
Mon May 16 01:46:01 CEST 2011

Hello people..

xfce4-pragha-plugin now is xfce4-soundmenu-plugin.

Beyond the name, now retrieves the song info from mpris2, and displays a tooltip on buttons with it.

The name is ambitious?this is my todo list:
* Check player status when add the plugin.
* Ping player to know that still runs.
* Run player if not found.

Goodies, but planed:
* All volumes control. Master with gstreamer and playback with mpris2.
* Add multimedia keys support. keybinder.
* Scrobbling on lastfm. libclastfm.

Any opinion? Please test.. ;)


p.s.: The implementation of mpris2on pragha, failure in gstreamer branch. :s
Probably next week fix it but If you want to use it now, this is the patch http://code.google.com/p/dissonance/source/detail?r=267

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