Postler dependencies

Landry Breuil landry.breuil at
Mon Jan 24 17:59:30 CET 2011

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Christoph Wickert
<christoph.wickert at> wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 23.01.2011, 15:33 +0100 schrieb Mike Massonnet:
>> Hi Christian,
>> I'm looking up for building Postler, and I see it depends on
>> libindicator, which depends on libdbusmenu-glib and the command line
>> tool "al" which depends on Mono.
>> Is it possible to have the indicator dependency optional? :)
>> That would be great. Otherwise, is it a hard-dependency because it's a
>> project close to Ubuntu? Is it foreseeable in the future to make this
>> a soft-dependency? Perhaps can you explain why it is necessary?
>> Stopping the annoyance right now ;-)
> +1
> I tried to build postler a few days ago and ws bitten by the same
> problem. In Fedora we don't have libindicate and I think the whole
> Ayatana stack is not much used outside of Ubuntu and perhaps OpenSUSE.

I've built postler from git on OpenBSD some weeks ago when there were no such
dependencies.. and i'd also like to be able to build it now :)

After linux-only software where bsd people struggle to port,
ubuntu-only software
where even linux people struggle to package ? :)


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