Minor issues with 4.8

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Tue Jan 18 03:31:45 CET 2011

> > The first oddity is that the applications menu can't find its menu.
> > I've solved that by going into properties and using a custom menu
> > file which allows me to tell it exactly where it installed the menu
> > in the first place. While that's
> > an adequate workaround for my home use, it would be nice to fix
> > before I do any proper deployments.
> Xfce-utils (the xinit script in there) should've set the
> XDG_MENU_PREFIX environ var to "-xfce". So garcon loads
> "application$XDG_MENU_PREFIX.menu".

Almost. ;)

It's XDG_MENU_PREFIX=xfce- and the menu file that will be loaded is
xfce-applications.menu. It has to be in $SYSCONFDIR/menus (which usually
is /etc/xdg) or ~/.config/menus/.

  - Jannis

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