Notification settings

Robby Workman rw at
Fri Jan 7 15:18:14 CET 2011

On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 06:00:51 -0200
Sergio Mira <shbm95 at> wrote:

> How do I do an upgrade, from 4.4 to 4.6.2 ?

You should check your versions of everything: either you don't
have Slackware 13.1 (since it has Xfce 4.6.1 rather than 4.4.x),
or you don't have Xfce 4.4.x (we haven't shipped 4.4.x since
Slackware 12.2, which came with 4.4.3).

> I also have in the system KDE installed and some of his "things" are
> initialized even when I'm using XFCE, like kglobalaccel.

Either you checked "Start KDE Services" in the Session/Startup
Preferences, or you've started some kde apps in Xfce, and they
were saved in your running session (and thus get restarted when
you restart Xfce).  Either uncheck that preference, or kill the
kde apps before logging out/saving your session again.

> And how to isolate the environments? Like.. NOT initialize KDE
> "stuff" when I use XFCE.. and inverse too.

Simply don't start them. 
None of these things "just happen" on their own.


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