xfce4-notes woes continue - Update

Duke Normandin dukeofperl at ml1.net
Tue Feb 22 17:25:37 CET 2011

On Sat, 19 Feb 2011, Mike Massonnet wrote:

> Hi Duke,
> 2011/2/9 Duke Normandin <dukeofperl at ml1.net>:
> > I thought that I had it solved! NOT...
> >
> > Each fresh boot-up for the last 2-3 days shows:
> >
> > dnormandin at select-man:~$
> > ps ax | grep notes
> >  1795 ?        Rs    36:57 xfce4-notes
> >  2620 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto notes
> >
> > But no Icon in the panel or the Notification Area. Could this be a
> > "Panel" issue, as opposed to simply a "Notes" problem?
> Sorry, I didn't have time to look at this, but in the end it looks
> like a problem with the DBus configuration on your system and you are
> not the only one. In fact I found another user with the same DBus
> problem (on another program) with the same log that you posted
> initially:
> http://lists.yorba.org/pipermail/shotwell/2011-February/001756.html
> http://foo-projects.org/pipermail/xfce/2011-February/028259.html
> I suggest you to find a fix for this through a dedicated Forum or the
> Xubuntu mailing-list, or simply, as cruely suggested, by the
> reinstallation of your system.


dnormandin at select-man:~$
ps ax | grep notes
 1931 ?        S     37:12
 socket_id 27263019 name xfce4-notes-plugin id 12982999160
 display_name Notes size 31 screen_position 2

30 to 40 minutes after booting my system, the Notes icon appears in
the Panel (Note: not the Notification Area). Notes works OK when it
finally does appear. Does this scenario give any clues as to what is
going on? Still a DBus thing?


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