Talks at FOSDEM?

Lorenzo Sutton lorenzofsutton at
Sun Dec 18 22:44:01 CET 2011


On 18/12/2011 18:03, Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
> [...]
> Anyway, let's get to the central question of this mail: What would you
> be interested in having us talk about at FOSDEM? It'd be cool if anyone
> with an opinion replies with 1-2 ideas that he/her thinks could be
> exciting! We will then pick something from that and turn it
> into a talk proposal.

Not sure if this is relevant/interesting, but as a fairly new user 
switching from another popular DE which recently released version 3 with 
radical changes from it's version 2, and reading mailing lists, blogs 
and talking around it seems XFCE is getting many new users recently. In 
my case a very happy new user... maybe it could be interesting to 
discuss why this is happening and what XFCE offers which is so 
attractive - I do have personal answers for that - and also how to keep 
the momentum and where to go in the feature.

Just my two cents.

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