Terminal not launching with different config files

houghi houghi at houghi.org
Tue Aug 30 19:11:41 CEST 2011

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 07:59:21PM -0400, john Culleton wrote:
> I use the KDE device konsole which has many advantages over Terminal,
> including using different colors for each terminal window, a bookmark
> facility and so on. It runs fine on XFCE. 

Except for 1 terminal with a different color, I don't need any of those

Filled with mingled cream and amber I will drain that glass again. Such
hilarious visions clamber Through the chambers of my brain -- Quaintest
thoughts -- queerest fancies Come to life and fade away;  Who cares how 
time advances? I am drinking ale today.              -- Edgar Allan Poe

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