Volume keys not working properly
Christoph Wickert
christoph.wickert at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 22 11:56:53 CEST 2011
Am Montag, den 22.08.2011, 11:25 +0200 schrieb houghi:
> I made a movie that perhaps shows better what goes on:
> http://houghi.org/movie/index.php?movie=UYS13FH
> I made a taskbar and made it as large as possible and added the Mixer
> Plugin. When that changes it changes all. However the keys show some sound
> stuff, but do not change the actual volume.
You are obviously using two different volume controls. The panel plugin
is using xfce4-mixer (ALSA) and the keys are handled by
gnome-sound-applet or gnome-volume-control (name depends on the GNOME
version you use, likely uses PulseAudio). You better only use one.
This means:
1. Disable the startup of gnome-* in xfce4-session-settings.
2. Let Xfce handle the keys.
1. Either install xfce4-volumed or
2. set up keys in xfce4-keyboard-settings, e.g with
XF86AudioRaiseVolume key: amixer set Master 10%+ -q"
XF86AudioLowerVolume key: amixer set Master 10%- -q"
XF86AudioMute key: amixer set Master toogle -q"
If you use the latter, make sure amixer is installed.
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