Recommend a replacement for mailwatch-plugin?

Stefan Stuhr xfceuserslist at
Thu Sep 23 03:28:27 CEST 2010

2010/9/23 Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards at>:
> Just to clarify: This isn't an XFCE panel plugin or applet or widget
> or anything like that.
> It is a stand-alone X11/Gtk application.
> [...]
> I posted the link here because I used to use XFCE's mailwatch panel
> plugin, and this is where the question of a replacement started.

The launcher plugin in the future xfce4-panel 4.8 will be based on
.desktop files, and watches said .desktop files for changes. I am
using xfce4-panel from git, and I have a script running that checks
the atom feed for my GMail inbox and updates the .dekstop file (icon
and comment/tooltip) for my mail launcher. Result: Mail watcher in the
panel, integrated with the launcher, and said launcher have a  submenu
with more launcher items.

It also updates the icon of my trash launcher item, as I want to have
it in a launcher submenu, while still showing whether the trash
contains files or not.


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