Hot-swapping external monitor (was: Can't use ...)

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at
Mon Nov 22 13:14:41 CET 2010

On lun., 2010-11-22 at 11:21 +0000, Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:
> How well does these xrandr solutions work with hot-swapping monitors
> (projectors).  I frequently need to connect to new projectors and
> large screens with no opportunity to test and debug in advance.

Just fine.
> This has so far worked very well with the Gnome tools.  Except for
> having to restart fvwm whenever the resolution changes, but then
> fvwm is not a Gnome tool.  I was hoping this might work better in xfce,
> by having a wm designed to work with the other desktop tools.  But
> judging from many discussion fora this is a pain in the neck for
> xfce users.

Xfce users just have to restart xfce4-panel to be sure it picks the new
resolution correctly (problem will be gone in 4.8).
> Has anyone (with similar requirements) got it working to satisfaction?

Sure, since few years now.
> I haven't actually tried xrandr yet, mainly because I tend not to
> have the screen and the time for testing at the same time ...
> If there is some rumour out that it should work, I'll find a way to
> try it though.

It works fine since years, it's not exactly a “rumour” anymore :)

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