Highlight mouse pointer ability?

houghi houghi at houghi.org
Fri Nov 19 18:24:27 CET 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 02:43:33PM +0100, houghi wrote:
> I will look how I could do either and will get back if I found a solution.

Well, I have something that works partly:
#Locate where the cursor is
#set -x
SCREEN=`xdotool getmouselocation|awk -F: '{print $NF}'`
DISPLAY=:0.${SCREEN} display -title cursorlocator $IMG &
sleep 3
killall display

xdotool to get the screen, display to show the image and then Devilspie to
have no decoration.

First I tried with `xv -geometry +300+500 -nodecor image.gif`, but xv does
not handle transparency. The image I use is http://houghi.eu/s/1H6LZL5.gif

What I would love is the following in order of importance:
1) Use something else then `display` as that will show a menu if you click
on it.
2) Close on click
3) Follow the mouse around
4) Be able to use animated gifs. display does not do that correctly (way
too slow)

I already tried looking for C code that would do at least 1 and 2, but I
have no experience in programming. Just some bash scripting knowledge. So
the best I can hope for is copy&paste code and hope it works. :-(

Still strange that something like this is not readily available, as I
think it would be handy if you make screencasts of dektops and programs
and also for people using portables outside.

This is written under the inluence of the following:
>   Artist : Henny Vrienten
>     Song : Denken doet pijn
>    Album : Mijn Hart Slaapt Nooit

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