ANNOUNCE: Task Manager 0.5.90 (1.0.0 beta1) -- now looking for first beta testers

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at
Thu May 13 22:09:47 CEST 2010

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet at> wrote:
> Hi,
> @Jannis, can you give me privilege to make xfce4-taskmanager releases
> via the RM? Thanks :-) For now I'm doing an underground release and
> will upload the archive later to the official place.
> sha1: ef0c1cb589104c959b2afbe980ca237b4865d01a  xfce4-taskmanager-0.5.90.tar.bz2
> md5: 1477591d033825004aaacd972053b1c9  xfce4-taskmanager-0.5.90.tar.bz2
> This is the first release in an effort to bring the Task Manager
> application to shine again :-) It is a beta and is unfinished however
> this first beta includes exactly the same features as the current
> stable release 0.4.1 but in fact rewritten from scratch. The goals
> before the next stable release are available online[0]. Right now the
> beta1 only works under Linux, the beta2 will come soon and add support
> for BSD and Solaris again!

As a Solaris user, I'm really interested in the Solaris support, and
am ready to offer any help I can.

-Peter Tribble -

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