Xfce and Summagraphics Butpad one

tj 999alfred at comcast.net
Wed Jan 27 00:31:53 CET 2010

This may actually be a x question, but I will try it here.
I have an older Summagraphics Bitpad One with both the pen and a four 
button puck. I have searched the net and found references to Summa 
digitizers, mostly the SletchPad. my question is can the Bitpad be used 
with X/Xfce. I know there is a summa option for the config file, but 
what does it take to work setting the serial port. Plus, the Bitpad has 
internal switches for setting mode, like whether the tablet sends 
absolute or relative  coordinates. So, which lode does it need to be or 
can the driver be set for either?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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