Multiple xfdesktops running, and very slow startup

Hinko Kocevar hinko.kocevar at
Fri Jan 15 16:20:35 CET 2010

Chris G wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 03:01:18PM +0000, Liviu Andronic wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Chris G <cl at> wrote:
>>> Something is using lots of memory too, all 8Gb is used up by the time
>>> the desktop is running and before I've done anything much.
>> After logging in, did you try to switch virtual console and monitor
>> the memory usage in top?
> Yes, that's exactly what I was doing.  Although all of the memory was
> eaten up there didn't seem to be any process in particular that was
> using it.

For me it was xfdesktop processes spawning and dying only at login.
Essentially the system would recover, when all xfdektops except one died.


Hinko Kocevar
Technical support software engineer
Instrumentation Technologies
Velika pot 22, SI-5250 Solkan - Slovenia
T:+386 5 3352600, F:+386 5 3352601
mailto: hinko.kocevar at - When your users demand stability

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