Editing menus in Xfce Xubuntu 9.10

Doug Laidlaw laidlaws at hotkey.net.au
Sat Feb 27 01:15:01 CET 2010

It seems that editing menus in Xfce is a long-winded process:


My attempts made the menu completely disappear, so I copied the file xfce-
applications.menu to another place, where I can safely fiddle with it.  One 
could blame the Open Desktop standard, which seems needlessly complicated from 
an end user's perspective, but we can't argue with that, and there will be 
developer considerations that we don't see.  For example, it seems that KDE's 
menu editor doesn't always edit the basic menu, but writes a supplementary 
one.  The Xfce utility exo-desktop-item-edit eases things a bit.

I agree that Xfce is a great improvement, and I am trying to stick with it.  I 
agree with Jerome's remark: "I'm pretty sure than Xfce.org is going to rock in 
a near future."  Every so often, however, little things like this remind me 
that it is still "growing up."  Many of its plugins are at about Version 0.2. 
(A desktop doesn't need them, but an integrated competitor for KDE or GNOME 
does.)  From time to time, I go back to KDE, until it upsets me again.  Coming 
from Ubuntu with its GNOME desktop, you will have a smaller learning curve.

But I am 67, and getting a bit set in my ways.  If I have written anything 
contentious, guys, I am still on your side.


On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 09:16:00 am UDC wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Linux after having used it for several years ago, and I am so
> happy, I like it so much, however, the pc's in my work have very poor
> resources, so I decided to install them Xubuntu (to remove windows,
> obviously), I've downloaded 9.10 version and I see that is just what I
>  need, but I have a problem, these machines will be in a kind of public
>  kiosk and they cannot be fully exposed. I have implemented some things to
>  protect them, but there is something that I've not solve, I could not find
>  how to edit Xfce menus, in Ubuntu using Gnome just right click over de
>  menu panel is necessary for edit it, and we can put in or take whatever we
>  want it to appear, but in Xfce I can not find anything like that.
> Besides this, I need MS-OFFICE in these machines (I know I know, but
> Openoffice is not accepted by most people), however, I installed Crossover
> 6.0.2  and after that MS-Office 2003, without close the crossover window,
> and I noticed the crossover an office menus not appear even though they are
> installed correctly. Could someone guide me on how to edit menus for
>  showing only the necessary applications and how can I get the crossover
>  and office menus?
> Thanks in advance
> Luis Alfonso Vilchis Romero
> P.D. Excuse my bad English
> !DSPAM:4b885542116846675077592!
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