window location question

houghi houghi at
Sat Dec 4 14:28:08 CET 2010

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 09:23:51PM -0500, David wrote:
> A two part question actually.
> Using XFCE in Fedora 14.
> First question: How do I determine the X,Y location of a window opened
> on the Desktop? A terminal. Thundr. Etc.

Just run it in a terminal and click on the program that you want to have
the information for.
> Second question: Knowing those quadrants how do I set a default location
> other than the upper left corner?

Many programs can be handled at the command prompt. e.g. Terminal can be
run with something like:
terminal --geometry=98x45+50+7 

Many other programs also accept the --geometry option.

What I have done is the following (could be that steps are not needed)
1) For the terminals figure out each and every placement. I also use
--hide-menubar --hide-borders and a different title. That means I have
something like:

#Launch the different terminals
terminal --geometry=98x45+50+7 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below &
terminal --geometry=98x33+50+695 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below &
terminal --geometry=130x79-7+7 --hide-menubar --hide-borders -T Terminal.below &

A differnt one for different desktops.

Then also open a size programs as I would like them. e,g, Firefox,
gqvieuw, akregator, ...

Then when all is in place, I log out while saving the session for future
logins. Then I login and again log out, but now without saving for future

Now each time I login, I have the layout I want.

This works for almost all programs. Just Vuze does not want to play along
and I have to launch that seperately. (anybody know why?)

I also use Devilspie to have a bit more control. e.g. the three terminals
must be below, but a new terminal must not.

I did not use xwininfo to achieve all this. e.g. for the termials, I just
tried it out. See if it looked right and changed settings where needed.

This is written under the inluence of the following:
>   Artist : Prince
>     Song : Bob George
>    Album : The Black Album

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