XFCE shutdown/restart - "not authorizied"

Ali Abdallah aliov at xfce.org
Thu Apr 8 10:23:50 CEST 2010

Should be fixed in the last commit, please try it and report back.

Please note that you need polkit policy authorization for your user 
name, usually it is in /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d

and could a filed called org.freedesktop.upower.pkla with content

[Local Users]

In the Action you can use something like
Action=* to get have all the polkit authorizations on your system


On 04/08/2010 06:13 AM, uh.linux at gmail.com wrote:
> I'm using XFCE from git (build date march, 30th), and I have a problem 
> with shutdown and restart from xfce menu.
> I get an error window with message - Not authorizied.
> In my xsession-error I have found this:
> Xfce-session: Warning ** : Method 'GetAll' failed : Method "GetAll" 
> with signature "s" on interface "org.greedesktop.DBus.Properties" 
> doesn't exist
> **Message: UPower not found, trying DevKitPower
> But I have upower 0.9.2 installed. Can anybody help me solving this?

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