problems with amarok shortcuts.

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at
Thu Nov 19 15:58:32 CET 2009

2009/11/19 Arnau Bria <arnaubria at>:
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 12:37:04 +0100
> Mike Massonnet wrote:
> Hi Mike,
>> One thing only comes to mind, start xfce4-session-settings and go to
>> the Advanced tab, check the box "start KDE services". Log out and in
>> again of Xfce.
> did not work :-(

This will probably just run the kdeinit processes which lets new KDE
applications run faster on the first run.

I tested an Xfce session and ran Juk (I don't have Amarok installed).
The global shortcuts work fine here which lets me think that the
problem isn't Xfce related.

Or wait, did you check xfwm4-settings? It has also shortcuts for its
window managements. It is very possible that the conflict comes from
there, and in fact I'm able to reproduce with Juk, the Ctrl+Alt+Right
shortcut -- used by xfwm4 to switch the workspace -- doesn't work in
Juk that is configured to switch the song.

Regarding your xfconf warnings, what version of Xfce are you running?
I never received such warnings. But all in all I don't think they
affect bad behaviors.

> thanks for your reply,
> Arnau

You welcome,

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