ANN: xfce4-vala version 0.1-a2 released
mike.massonnet at
mike.massonnet at
Thu Jun 4 20:13:56 CEST 2009
Xfce4 Vala provides bindings for the Xfce framework.
Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language
features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements
and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.
The version 0.1 includes bindings for the following Xfce 4.6 libraries: libxfce4util,
libxfce4menu, libxfconf, libxfcegui4, libexo, libxfce4panel.
This release is alpha 2 but provides already bindings for the overall Xfce framework. The
probably most interesting thing is the possibility to write external panel plugins, where
an example is given in tests/panel-plugin/. To build it simply run:
valac --vapidir=../../vapi --pkg=libxfce4panel-1.0 button.vala -C
and modify the button.desktop file to point it to the current location of the button
executable -- fix the X-XFCE-Exec key in the desktop file. You can than copy the desktop
file to $prefix/share/xfce4/panel-plugins/ (or create a symlink) and be able to add it to
your panel via right click on Panel > Add item.
It is not possible to write Internal plugins, and I doubt I will support that for the 0.1
release (although I already wanted to post-pone libxfce4panel bindings to 0.2). In fact it
would be necessary to build a lib without a main function. I will still have to figure this
out for Xfce 4.8 where all panel plugins will be build as libs.
Enjoy and please try it out and give feedback on the resulting VAPIs!
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