Alt-Tab and minimized windows

Aliaksandr Stelmachonak mail.avatar at
Thu Jul 23 13:13:49 CEST 2009

Hi all!

I am using Xfce as a desktop on my eee pc 900. Using devilspie I configured
all windows for maximization and removing windows decorations on creating.
So, I am using Alt-Tab functionality very actively and one feature (or bug)
prevents me from using it satisfactorily in all cases.

Looks like Alt-Tab in Xfce (I am using 4.6.1 on ArchLinux) doesn't pick up
and show in list minimized windows. This is really not suitable, in case
your are frequently using minimize all (like me) or used to minimize windows
instead of switching them using task list.

Is this behavior customizable? Is is Alt-Tab switcher feature on bug?

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