batstat - battery monitor for xfce using genmon plugin

Adam adam at
Wed Jan 21 14:41:58 CET 2009

Hey Christian,
Thank for the reply. Could you give me more information about the HAL

I am aware of the xfce power manager. My intention was not to create a
competing battery monitor. I created it primarily for personal use until
something better comes along. It's very simplistic and lightweight and
functions exactly the way I want.

If no one uses it I will not be disappointed. I'm sure I'll get some
decent mileage out of it anyway.

Christian Dywan wrote:
> Am Wed, 21 Jan 2009 21:47:55 +1100
> schrieb Adam <adam at>:
>> Hello,
>> I created a battery status monitor for xfce because in my opinion the
>> xfce battery monitor plugin looks disgusting (no offense to the
>> developers).
> Hey Adam,
> you might have chosen a different wording if you actually intended to
> avoid any offense. ;)
> Anyway, I don't like the looks of it either, but I do find the HAL
> branch is quite nice, and it also makes use of themed icons. In my
> opinion writing a replacement is the wrong approach here. If you
> dislike it, complain, suggest improvement, ie. themed icons.
> There's even a third alternative manifested as the power manager.
> That said, if it works for you, fair enough, it just won't help other
> users who will keep searching for battery icons all day because the
> recommended one isn't good enough.
> Just my 2 pfennig,
>     Christian
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