Xfce 4.6 BETA-3 (Tuco-Tuco) Released

Mișu Moldovan dumol at gnome.ro
Sat Jan 17 17:26:00 CET 2009

"Stephan Arts" <stephan at xfce.org> a scris:
> Hello people,
> I am pleased to announce the release of Xfce 4.6 BETA-3.
> Just like with the previous BETA, this release comes with a lot of
> bugfixes but is not expected to be 100% stable. This is why we want to
> encourage you to test this release to it's limits and tell us what
> breaks.
> Ofcourse, as this is a development release, we do not advise anyone to
> use this on a production environment just yet.
> With this release, we enter a string-freeze period until the release
> of 4.6.0 final. This will give the translators a few weeks time to
> update their translations.

Great news! I am already using beta2 and I would like to check the
problems that I've found against the beta3 release. I have compiled
Xfce 4.6 beta2 packages in a certain order, documented on some
third-party blog and it has taken some time and patience...

However, I would like to avoid that for beta3, is there any script that
can automate the whole process? There used to be a GUI tool that made
compiling Xfce 4.4 a breeze, is there a version for Xfce 4.6 too? Or is
there any another shell script for the use of developers?

I'm particularly interested in this beta release because of the string
freeze as I am also localizing Xfce in my native language, Romanian.


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