adding icon's window crash

kevin kevin.rowanet at
Sun Jan 4 00:17:22 CET 2009

Bob Snyder a écrit :

> You must run the command from gdb in a shell and then cause it to 
> crash. Once crashed you give the command "bt" for backtrace and the 
> resulting information should be copied and pasted into your email.
> On my system, running the Create Launcher command creates this command 
> line (from ps):
> exo-desktop-item-edit --display=:0.0 --create-new --type Application 
> /home/rgs/Desktop
> Your command line may be different so start it normally and then grab 
> the command line from "ps ax".

As far as I understand, here it is:

exo-desktop-item-edit --display=camelia.tarabel.skl:0.0 --create-new 
--type Application /home/sandrine/Desktop

before I lanched the window, this process wasn't listed by "ps ax", and 
after I closed the window clicking on the upper right cross, it isn't 

ps gives a status "Ss" for this process.

Note, if useful: "camelia" is the name of the computer, which is 
configured as an "applications server". The lan we use is built upon 3 
levels : level 0 is oldpc configured as X terminals, level 1 is 
applications servers and level 2 is both a "primary xdmcp server" and a 
nfs server, exporting only /home.
So, when I boot camelia on, (the 2 computers with the nfs server and the 
xdmcp server are already on), I first see the xdmcp list of available 
servers ; among which is camelia. Then I choose camelia, then I get the 
graphical login of xdm, then I log as "sandrine". All this is normal 
behavior for our lan.

> Then open a shell and give it this:
> gdb "your command line here"
> Note the double quotes around the command line

OK, I noted.

> That should start the Create Launcher dialog. 

No, it does not!
gdb starts (GNU gdb 6.4.90-debian), a few lines then says:

This GDB wa configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...exo-desktop-item-edit 
--display=camelia.tarabel.skl:0.0 --create-new --type Application 
/home/sandrine/Desktop: no such file or directory.


I launched the command gdb by hand in an xterm, where I am "sandrine", 
and positionned onto mu home directory (/home/sandrine).
And when I check (ls -l) the directory "Desktop" do exists 

I forgot something?

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