More flexible new window focus setting would be nice

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Mon Feb 23 12:24:33 CET 2009

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at> wrote:
>> A new application that starts may open several windows like Firefox, if it is configured
>> to remember windows and tabs from last time. Does Firefox set
>> _NET_WM_USER_TIME for all but the first window opened automatically to be the
>> same that the first Firefox window has?
> From what I see, new additional  Firefox windows have no startup time
> nor user time set, so they get focused. If you want to tell for sure,
> the logic is in clientFocusNew() in src/focus.c, you can add traces
> there.

Well, actually, there was a bug, that's exactly that, the
_NET_WM_USER_TIME of newly firefox window is the same as the current

That means that if Firefox is the currently focused window, the new
firefox window will receive focus.

If some other window has focus then the new forefox window is unlikely
to receive focus as the user time from that Firefox window is most
likely to be too old.


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