main menu bar has gone away

Tom Ashley tomashleyjr at
Thu Dec 17 15:39:05 CET 2009

On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 21:44 -0600, Mike McNally wrote:
> OK the problem seems to be that "xfce-panel" doesn't seem to be
> starting for me. When I run it, my panel is back.
> I'll try to figure out what changed that's made my panel not start
> when I log in.


The following has worked for me in the past:

1) In a terminal run: "xfce-panel &" to start the panel in the

2) From the Menu, go to "Sessions and Startup" in the xfce settings
manager.  On the advance tab select the option to remember current
session.  This should cause the panel to automatically start in new


Tom Ashley

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