Basic features of XFCE

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Mon Aug 17 11:46:20 CEST 2009

Am Donnerstag, den 13.08.2009, 15:58 +0530 schrieb Danishka Navin:
> Hi,
> I am working for XFCE based Spin.
> Is the any default application to get screeshots or do we need some
> thing like gnome-utils.

xfce4-screenshooter is part of Xfce, in Fedora and also on the official
Fedora Xfce Spin. We have patched the default keyboard shortcuts to
support PRINT and ALT+PRINT out of the box.

> And also how to enable desktop effects on XFCE only environment?
> Do I need any external packages?

No, it's included in xfwm4, but to enable it by default you would need
to patch the default configuration in the xfwm4 package or add a config
file for the user "liveuser".

> Please let me know if i should add any other cool stuff related to
> XFCE. :)

Kevin and me invite you to join Fedora's Xfce SIG [1]. Our Xfce spin has
changed a lot recently [2] and every person with good ideas is welcome
to help.



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