speeding up file copy

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 11:19:42 CEST 2009

2009/8/7 Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at debian.org>:
> The only operations where it's really slower than commandline is the
> move part, because iirc it first copy, then unlink, just to be sure.

No, both thunar_vfs and gio use g_rename. Copying small files in the
gio branch might be a bit slower because thunar-vfs uses mmap for
reading the source file if the size <8mb and gio read/write, but that
will be hardly noticeable.

The only slowdown thunar has compared to for example the cp command is
progress callback, because you probably want to see what's going on
and possibly cancel the transaction.


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