800 x 480 = dialogue buttons off screen

Mișu Moldovan dumol at gnome.ro
Thu Apr 30 11:41:07 CEST 2009

Adam <adam at jaftan.com.au> a scris:
> > Im running up a touchscreen PC, and finding that the window manager
> > is not resizing dialogue windows vertically to fit the screen
> > correctly. The window hides behind the panel and taskbar as well,
> > so its not respecting their borders or the screen border.
> > Horizontally the window resizing works as expected.
> >
> > Is 480 too small for xfce or is there some way i can fix this?
> >   
> So, no ideas on this? Its not usable with the Ok/Cancel/whatever
> buttons off the screen. I guess i'll have to ditch xfce to see if
> others will work better.

Some GTK+ themes are better than others in this respect. The one from
might fit your needs. Or try one of the compact GTK+ themes from
http://www.xfce-look.org/content/search.php (look for the "compact"
keyword in the GTK+ theme section).

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