How to get svg support working in gentoo?

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Sep 1 21:18:07 CEST 2008

Can anybody loan me a hint on how to get SVG support to work?

I just rebuilt panel and desktop after verifying that both
libsvg and librsvg were installed.  Gtk/gdk seems to know about

   $ grep -B3 -A3 -i svg /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
   "\n\004\001" "" 100
   "\n\005\001" "" 100
   "svg" 2 "gtk20" "Scalable Vector Graphics"
   "image/svg+xml" "image/svg" "image/svg-xml" "image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml" "text/xml-svg" "image/svg+xml-compressed" ""
   "svg" "svgz" "svg.gz" ""
   " <svg" "*    " 100
   " <!DOCTYPE svg" "*             " 100
   "tiff" 1 "gtk20" "The TIFF image format"

But when I select an .svg icon for use in the panel, nothing shows up.

Any ideas?


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