power settings

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Sun May 4 18:45:17 CEST 2008

On Sun May 4 2008, Stefan Schwarzburg wrote:
> I might be wrong, but I think something like this is not part of Xfce.
> I guess that it depends on the distribution that you use, where to find
> such settings.
> On my computer (a modified Xubuntu) this is under "Settings Manager" ->
> "Screensaver" -> "Power Management".

right, gnome menus..
> This is mainly because my Screensaver (gnome-screensaver) has a button that
> launches gnome-powermanager preferences :-)

> So, if this is installed on your computer, then the best way would be to
> type "gnome-power-preferences" in the commandline or in the run dialog that
> comes up when you press "Alt+F2".

that worked, that is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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