Seamonkey start problems from menu

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Sat Jan 26 00:23:13 CET 2008

John Coppens wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:37:54 -0800
> "Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at> wrote:
>> Or, I guess in this case, you could kill xfdesktop, and start it from a
>> terminal window.  Apps started from the desktop right-click menu should
>> then get that terminal as stdout/stderr.  If you're using the menu
>> plugin in the panel, you'd kill xfce4-panel and start that from a
>> terminal instead.
> Ok. That was a very educational experiment... And the results too:
> 1) Killed xfdesktop (tested that right-click menu stopped working)
> 2) Started xfdesktop from a terminal window. Menu reappeared.
> 3) Tried to start seamonkey from the menu - it _worked_! No errors,
>    no messages in the terminal window at all.
> 4) Logged out and restarted XFCE completely.
> 5) Seamonkey from the menu doesn't work anymore.
> And now???

And now... I stare into space for a short while, throw up my hands, and 
say I have no idea what's goin' on.  Sorry...


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