Activating plugin with keyboard shortcut

Henk Boom lunarc.lists at
Sun Jan 6 21:14:14 CET 2008

On 25/12/2007, mmassonnet at <mmassonnet at> wrote:
> IMHO, I'm not sure that a selection thing should end in libpanel.  There
> are tons of ways to do this.  First idea that seems nice is a general
> popup command (e.g. `xfce4-panel-popup plugin-name ...`), with a "popup"
> signal to attach to inside the panel plugin interface.
> static gboolean        popup_callback        (XfcePanelPlugin *panel_plugin,
>                                               gchar ***argv,
>                                               gpointer user_data);
> That's what I can think of now… but there is maybe a 4.6 way.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to add support for these commands to
xfwm as well. If I understand correctly, this might eliminate the ~1
second delay you get when using keyboard shortcuts to run the command.

    Henk Boom

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