xfce4-dict and WordNet

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at uvena.de
Sun Aug 31 17:41:14 CEST 2008

On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 18:51:49 +0200, "Liviu Andronic"
<landronimirc at gmail.com> wrote:


> > So, I think it is a) your dict-wn dictionary which might be broken
> > or its index file or b) it's because you are using the -pre
> > version, why don't you use the final dict-wn 2.0 which was released
> > years ago? Why using an even older version?
> >
> I don't seem to have the -pre version, not from what I see here. I

Yes, I don't know anymore why I assumed you are using a pre version,
sorry for this.

> install (since Gentoo, build from source) app-dicts/dictd-wn-2.0. The
> downloaded file is dict-wn-2.0.tar.gz, 8,160,961 bytes of size, and it
> coincides to the one on dictd ftp site.
> At build time I can see this information about the index:
> "cat data/index.* | sort | ./wnfilter > wn.dict
>       154610 headwords"
> Does this coincide with your build?

Probably yes. I don't have these files anymore but IIRC I had the same
amout of headwords.

> The telnet verification for "abbreviation" fails here, and for
> "machine" does not (I initially chose these words arbitrarily). I made
> sure that we run similar versions of dictd, 1.9.15, as I thought that
> this might be the problem.
> liviu at localhost ~ $ telnet localhost 2628
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 localhost.localdomain dictd 1.9.15/rf on Linux
> 2.6.22-gentoo-r5-0.2 <auth.mime>
> <1.16650.1220111339 at localhost.localdomain>
> define wn abbreviation
> 552 no match [d/m/c = 0/0/17; 0.000r 0.000u 0.000s]
> define wn machine
> 150 2 definitions retrieved

Strange but AFAIK completely unrelated to xfce4-dict.
Please ask your Gentoo-guys or whoever.

> > Furthermore, you are aware there is already a web-search which
> > opens a dictionary service in a web browser?
> >
> Yes, but I tend not to use it frequently; I far too often switch among
> WR.com dictionaries. It would be handy if Xfce4-dict supported an
> "easy" or "on-the-fly" switch (bad wording) of the web dictionary URL.

Yes, this would be indeed helpful. I already thought about some kind of
drop-down list below the search method radio buttons to easily change
the website URL for web search, to change the dictionary for dictd
search and to change the used dictionary for spellchecking.
But this isn't a 2-minute-task and so it has to wait a little bit.


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