xfce4-dict and WordNet

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at uvena.de
Sun Aug 24 17:37:15 CEST 2008

On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 11:52:23 +0200, "Liviu Andronic"
<landronimirc at gmail.com> wrote:


> I am currently using WordNet Browser, or WordReference.com to browse
> Princeton's WordNet lexical database. I am curious whether the Xfce4
> Dictionary can be used with a locally installed app-dicts/wordnet-3.0?

I guess you can't use the service of wordreference.com locally as their
site states that it is an online-only service and even scripts to
download their database are not permitted. So, there is no way, AFAIK.

wordnet: you can install the dictd server locally, install the wordnet
database for dictd and then query your local dictd server with
xfc4-dict. This is the way I would suggest as this works fine, fast and
is already implemented.
For testing, you could use the dictd server at 'dict.org' which also
provides the wordnet database.

The only minor disadvantage is that the wordnet database available for
the dictd server is that it is version 2.0 which seems to be not the
latest version. I don't know how much these versions actually differ.

I'm using a locally running dictd server for German<->English
dictionaries and this works just fine.

> Otherwise, could such a development be considered for future releases
> of Xfce's dictionary?

Basically yes. But before thinking about adding new code, I'd like you
to test the above mentioned dictd-wordnet package.


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