No Adobe Reader icon on XFCE menus

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Sun Sep 30 23:14:53 CEST 2007

On 9/30/07, Martin Kraus <lists_mk at> wrote:
> > > I guess you mean that there is no entry at  XFCE -> Office -> Adobe Reader
> > > at all? Not just the icon? Because that's how it is on my desktop.
> >
> > Thanks, Stefan. I mean that there is no icon for the Adobe Reader menu
> > entry; the menu entry exists.
> find the menu entry for adobe. it will be somewhere in
> {/usr/share,~/.local/share}/applications. it will be a .desktop file. look
> inside a and find an Icon= record. there is a name of the icon that should be
> used. you have to verify that this icon exists. it should be somewhere under
> {/usr/share,~/.local/share}/icons or possibly ~/.icons.
> it might even be an absolute path (beginning with /) and then you have to verify
> that it points to an existing file.

Thanks, Martin. I do have the file


and therein the line


and an icon with that path does exists. However, the icon does not
show up in the Adobe Reader menu entry. No progress if I replace the
above line by


Any further ideas?


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