random wallpaper

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Tue Sep 25 06:40:42 CEST 2007

Am Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:55:53 -0400
schrieb Peter Smerdon <psmerdon at magma.ca>:

> Hello folks,
> I assume this might be a common question but I was unable to find a
> way to search the archives without downloading the tarballs or going
> through every month of every year manually.
> Anyway, I would like to stick a bunch of images in a folder called
> ~/wallpaper and have Xfce4 load a random one each login, is this
> possible?
> I am using Debian unstable, with the xfce4 4.4.1 meta-package
> installed. 

In the backdrop settings you can define a list of wallpapers to be
used. That does exactly what you want.

  - Jannis
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