Kill, must kill!

Moritz Heiber moe at
Sat Oct 27 19:30:51 CEST 2007

On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 18:58:16 +0200
"Liviu Andronic" <landronimirc at> wrote:

> It's not about a single case glitch. It's more about the fact that
> applications relatively often hang for no apparent or evident reason.
> I could put Firefox, emelFM2, Opera, gv, ggv, Xfmedia and even
> xfce4-taskmanager (however, not lately) in this list. Considering
> this, it would be nice for the DE to make handling of such
> non-responsive applications as easy as possible (from a user and
> especially end-user perspective).

The irony. The early days of Xfce 4.x (3.9.something) we still had
right-click-kill with xfwm4. Olivier removed it though. I still am a
strong supporter of that particular feature .. yet, I wouldn't mind
getting it back ..

But our fearless leader sure shall explain the reasons again for
removing it ...



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