Multihead configuration, changing xfce4 from display 0.0 to display 0.1

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Fri Mar 9 20:12:13 CET 2007

On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:00:49 -0300 Marcos Iuato wrote:

>Using xfce-setting-show I can change xfce4-panel to be at monitor 1 or 
>2, and it's working. But if I start xfce using --display :0.1, why
>panel is not show at right display, it's started always at display
>0.0? I am using the following commands, Am I missing something?
>debian:~# xfce-mcs-manager
>debian:~# xfwm4 --daemon --display :0.1
>debian:~# xfce4-panel --display :0.1

Yes, I understand that.

>Or the only configuration that works with this xfce version is going
>to xfce-setting-show and change the panel to monitor 2?

What other configuration would you expect?  Xfce manages the *entire

>So there is no problem starting xfce4 at display 0.0, and using 
>xfce4-panel at display 0.1?

Why would there be?

>There is any documentation about howto configure xfce for a multihead?

I don't believe the 4.4 documentation is online yet, but... there's
really nothing to configure.  You can move the panel to whatever screen
you want, as you've already found, but that's really all there is to it.


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