Composite manager causes graphic gliches

Yogiz yogizz at
Mon Jul 16 20:38:49 CEST 2007

Yesterday I finally got OpenGL to work with my Ati Radeon 9600SE with
direct rendering. Although glxgears and fgl_glxgears scores were
extremely low a few games I tried worked rather well. Then I decided to
start using composite to archive real transparency on my Xfce desktop.
After inserting both 

Section "Extensions"
        Option "Composite" "Enable"


Option "AccelMethod" "exa"

in my xorg.conf I restarted the computer and activated CM. The
transparency started working, but numerous gliches came with it. Lots
of them can be seen on included screenshots.

Basically most menus are almost impossible to read, a white pattern
appears in the left side of the screen when a panel in the right side
is brought back from auto-hide, screen lock no longer hides the screen
but leaves everything visible, from the starting splashscreen, only the
animating part is visible and in mail client, most forms are invisible
until clicked on (as with menus).

I hoped that maybe someone here can help me in the right direction as
I'd like to get this working the right way. When I disable Option
"AccelMethod" "exa" but leave the other one, nothing changes. When I
disable both, everything's normal.

Also a couple of times after turning on CM, my CPU usage has jumped on
100% and stayed there. Don't know if that's related.

Thanks in advance.
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