Add execute bit to Thunar's wish list

Todd and Margo Chester ToddAndMargo at
Mon Jul 9 05:28:03 CEST 2007

Bob Snyder wrote:
> Todd and Margo Chester wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>     I need to set file permissions to 766
>> to get me Samba file shares to work correctly.
>> Would the Thunar folks please consider adding
>> the capability to to set the "execute" bit to
>> Thunar's file properties (permissions) dialog box.
>> Many thanks,
>> -T
> If the file's MIME type is such that it is a 'program', and you are the 
> owner, you should see a check box in the permissions window that says 
> "Allow this file to run as a program". That will set the executable bit 
> in the permissions.
> Bob S.


    Is there a way to override this behavior?  It is really
annoying to have to do it by hand.

    If not, would the Thunar folks please consider
a configuration option to override this behavior.


from samba's smb.conf:

; map archive owner execute bit must include 0100
; map system  group execute bit must include 0010
; map hidden  world execute bit must include 0001
; Note: after doing all the above map stuff, it is a good idea to do
;       a mass chmod to 2766 (Read Only=off, Archive=on, Hidden=off).
;       And, you definitely want hidden to be turned off!!!
    map archive = yes
    map system = yes
    map hidden = yes

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