Starting a program sticky and on top

Landry Breuil landry.breuil at
Fri Jul 6 09:02:37 CEST 2007

2007/7/6, Nick Urbanik <nick.urbanik at>:
> Dear Folks,
> On 05/07/07 21:06 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
> >Nick Urbanik left a post-it on the fridge:
> >> I want to start xbiff sticky and on top.  How do I do that?  I guess I
> >> need to edit something in ~/.config/autostart/xbiff.desktop, but it is
> >> not clear exactly what.
> I'm still interested in this (starting apps sticky and on top), if
> anyone can help.

Have a look at wmctrl or devilspie... btw, this has been said a lot of times
on this list, and it's maybe even in the FAQ..

And if you start it, set these properties (with wmctrl or clicking on the
window bar), then save you session, normally these props are kept between
sessions. But you have to use xfce4-session :)

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